
Welcome & thank you for visiting, I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m Azure, Creator of The Collective Light, an integrative approach to harnessing the healing light that’s within all of us by learning to listen to what the body is calling for. My custom method focuses on wellness from within and nourishing words of self-love, deepening your connection to mind, body and spirit through an assortment of healing practices.

I’ve always had a great seeking spirit and a passion for learning! As a result of my own personal journey of growth, as well as continual hunger to study, I’ve culminated expertise in a wide variety of techniques that have helped myself and my clients. Some of my offerings include breath work, verbalization cues, touch healing, energy work, restorative practices, yoga flow, crystals and much, much more.

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My approach is thorough, based on extensive studies in Moving Beyond Victimhood, 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training, Restorative Practices, Pranayama, Thai Massage, Anatomy and Alignment, Wild Woman Retreats and Hands-On Healing. I also have a background in self-studies on intuitive self, verbalization of self-love, connection to the body, wellness from within, honoring your inner Queen and expansion of personal, powerful light energy.

As a seeker, education for me will never be finished. I continue exploring other methodology to expand on any useful and effective methods that may align with the purpose of helping my client. If I’m using a practice with you, I’ve already used it myself to ensure you are getting the best experience you can from it.

My offerings are personalized and inclusive. While they are for every Body, I recognize that no two Bodies will be the same and will need their own prescriptive treatment. All beings are unique in what sparks their ability to open up, peel back the layers that weigh us down, tap into the blissful living state and allow us to truly fly free into the lives we truly want to be living. My job is to support, nurture and guide you through that process.

The biggest pleasure for me in doing this work is feeling into that moment when my clients reconnect with themselves through the eyes of pure love. Then the ripple of healing begins.Kindred spirits always find each other, and it is my great fortune to walk with you on this part of your voyage.

This is an open invitation to your personalized healing & empowerment  journey. The life of your dreams starts with the love of yourself, so if you’re not already there, let me take your hand and we’ll go there together.

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With my help as a guide, learn how to let go of the blocks from your past that have hindered you physically, spiritually, emotionally, and even professionally. Discover how to truly be present in your unique body, wake up your awareness and consciously use your best attributes everywhere you go.

Some of the matters my clients have successfully transformed include connecting to finding calm while living with Type 1 Diabetes, shifting to empowered language, clearing a limiting belief system, learning to befriend your body, removing yourself from toxic relationships, harnessing the love of life….

I’ve lived with a disease for 40 years and have transformed myself in all of these areas while living with type 1 diabetes. In a society that can make you feel disempowered, I want to Empower you back into a feeling of thriving regardless of challenge or circumstance. Every technique you see here are things that I not only use on my clients, but I use on myself as a regular practice to stay true to myself, my worth, honoring my body and this precious life. I feel so strongly about the impact these tools have made, that I’m passionate about sharing them with others. 

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All subjects discussed are kept completely confidential, in accordance with the law and HIPAA requirements.

Through a variety of methods that we will tailor to your specific needs, we will not only move you forward from what’s been holding you back, but we will custom design an array of personal support techniques for deepening the mind-body connection that you will carry with you for the rest of your life and be able to call upon whenever you need them. Using breath work, verbalization cues, energy work, restorative practices, yoga flow, crystals, touch healing and so much more, I’ll guide and nurture you in the process toward exactly what you need, when you need it.

Sound magical? Hopeful? Empowering? It is!

I can’t wait to support you on this path of self-discovery, allowing you to step into your bright future and the life that you deserve with a full heart and open arms.

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